LMonk Centre
Your Family Wellbeing Centre

Your Family Wellbeing Centre
Welcome to LMonk Centre, your Family Wellbeing Partner! Our team consists of some of the best clinical psychologists, child psychologists, educational therapists, speech therapists (speech language pathologists) and remedial tutors in the city. Further, the centre caters to the needs of each and every member of the family – children, parents, adults and senior adults. Our team of experts (both online and offline) are here to help and guide you. We are glad to respond to your questions and concerns to different topics – child development, learning improvement, student wellbeing, family wellbeing, adult wellbeing, geriatric wellbeing, to name a few.
Importance of seeking help
It is essential that we seek help when we come across certain situations or problems. Many a times, problems cannot be wished away or cannot be just talked away. These days many of the problems that we typically face in our lives are influenced by more than one factors and often complex in nature. Moreover, it is important to identify the right reasons or causes of such problems and figure out the right solutions.
This is where LMonk can help you and your family. Be it the learning-related problems faced by children, stress and anxiety of the adults or old-age related issues, our team of experts have the right kind of training and experience to give a patient ear to you. We then recommend the most appropriate and optimum solution. Finally, we also invest our time and resources along with you in seeing that you are able to gain an understanding of the problem and then actively involve towards achieving resolution.

What are the typical problems that we can help you with?
Children & Adolescents
- Dyslexia
- Dysgraphia
- Dyscalculia
- Dyspraxia
- Slow Learning
- Handwriting Problem
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (IDD)
- Global Developmental Delay
- Developmental Coordination Disorders
- ADHD in Children
- Inattention
- Hyperactivity
- Impulsivity
- Language Disorders
- Stuttering
- Childhood Apraxia
- Selective Mutism
- Articulation Disorder
- Conduct Problems
- Mood Problems
- Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD)
- Childhood Depression
- PTSD in Childhood
- OCD in Childhood
- Eating Disorders
- Sleep Disorders
- Phobias
- Anxiety
- Social Anxiety
- Exam Anxiety
Disclaimer: We provide psychometric assessment and psychotherapy services only. We provide reference to concerned experts, in cases which require pharmacotherapeutic interventions.
We understand that many of these are problems that people typically are not comfortable talking about. However, a lot of uncomfortable situations and experiences can be avoided, and a lot of time, energy and effort can be saved by seeking expert help at the right time.
Departments within an LMonk Centre

Child Development
Centre (CDC)
Primarily for Children, to address learning problems, attention problems (ADHD, hyperactivity and impulsivity), behavioural & emotional problems, working memory problems and so on.

Centre for
Psychological Services
For adults, couples, families & senior adults, to address problems like marital discord, interpersonal problems, depression, stress, anxiety, mood problems, depression, geriatric problems & so on.

Assessment Centre
Screening and assessments related to personality, IQ, Learning Disability (LD), ADHD, Autism spectrum, behavioural and emotional problems, career assessments, & so on.
Interested to know more about our programs?
Fill out the form below. We’ll gladly reach out.