
Speech, Language & Communication

Speech language pathologist helping girl overcome articulation problems.

Effective Communication

“Communication is important to express oneself. It also satisfies ones needs”. Effective communication can smooth your way and your relationship with others by helping you to understand others, and to be understood”.


  • Language is an important source of communication.
  • It allows us to share our ideas, thoughts, and feelings with others.
  • It is also important to choose right words to express oneself. 
  • It should make sense of what people say.
kid jumping


The expression of words, thoughts and feelings by articulating sounds. Speaking with clear voice and making it meaningful and interesting for others. 

Importance of seeking help

It is essential that we seek help when we come across certain situations or problems. Many a times, problems cannot be wished away or cannot be just talked away. These days many of the problems that we typically face in our lives are influenced by more than one factors and often complex in nature. It is important to identify the right reasons or causes of such problems and figure out the right solutions.  

This is where LMonk can help you and your family.  Be it the learning-related problems faced by children, stress and anxiety of the adults or old-age related issues, our team of experts have the right kind of training and experience to give a patient ear to you. We then recommend the most appropriate and optimum solution. We also invest our time and resources along with you in seeing that you are able to gain an understanding of the problem and then actively involve towards achieving resolution.  

Want to know more about our Centre and its services?

Call us straight away. We’ll be glad to hear from you. 

Departments within an LMonk Centre


Centre for
Learning Difficulties

Primarily for Children, to address learning problems, attention problems (ADHD, hyperactivity and impulsivity), working memory problems and s on  


Centre for
Psychological Services

For adults, couples, families & senior adults, to address problems like marital discord, stress, anxiety, mood problems, depression, geriatric problems & so on 


Assessment Centre

Screening and assessments related to personality, IQ, LD, ADHD, Autism spectrum, behavioural and emotional problems, career assessments, & so on 

Care to take a quick survey?

Call us straight away. We’ll be glad to hear from you.