
Adult ADHD

Adult ADHD is more prevalent than most people think. It can cause difficulties for persons suffering from it.
Workplace wellbeing

Do you always procrastinate your tasks whether at home or office?

Do you have problems in focusing on a task, and gets distracted very easily?

Are you organized or chaotic?

Are you a reckless driver? Do traffic jams make you impatient and crazy?

Workplace wellbeing

If the answer for all such questions is “YES” then you may have adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). These are indications which you need to pay attention in order to lead a peaceful life. Many a times, such problems are mostly not diagnosed, or ignored. People may not realize that the problems they are facing may be related to adult ADHD, and need to be dealt with.

Signs of Adult ADHD

Here are some signs of Adult ADHD:

  1. Taking responsibilities, being organised and paying attention may seem like a herculean task for people having adult ADHD. They may be labelled as lazy or irresponsible by others surrounding them – their own family members, close relatives and even by their colleagues.
  2. Procrastinating things or doing everything at the last moment may worsen the existing problems whether it is related to their work-place performance and even personal relationships. They want to do things in a proper manner but somehow ends up messing things.
  3. People with ADHD may fail to prioritize their daily routine activities which mostly effect their work-related aspects. They may spend hours for insignificant tasks or may spend very less time for important tasks, ignoring the vital points. Failing to prioritize things may affect their personal life also.
  4. Being inattentive and restless may create a mess around them. They may skip important points during meetings at workplace or may forget important dates like birthdays, anniversaries etc. in their personal relationships with their loved ones. They show poor listening skills and get distracted very easily.
  5. Unstable emotions are another big problem for adult ADHD’s and it’s very difficult for them to control their emotions. They may explode over silly reasons. Their anger may also fade as quickly as it flared before the other person can understand why he was angry.

There are many such signs and symptoms that might point to adult ADHD. These symptoms may have been present as a child and might have remained undiagnosed for years. As an adult, it might be very difficult for them to deal with such problems on a daily basis. So, if you feel that you are one of those people who are dealing with some of the above said problems, then get examined by a trained mental health professional and start managing your ADHD with their guidance and support.

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